Evrnu wins SVP Fast Pitch 2014!

Stacy Flynn of Evrnu stepped up in front of a crowd of 700+ people at the Social Venture Partners’ Fast Pitch Seattle competition tonight, along with 14 other nonprofit and for-profit innovators, and blew them all away, walking home not only with a $140,000 investment (by far the biggest prize of the event), but also with the Audience Choice award of $3,500 in cash. Fledge, the fledglings...
Fledge: Best for Community
Ignite Bainbridge: The Purpose of Business
B Labs – 2013 Best for Community
Congratulations CSC!

13 entrepreneurs took to the stage at McCaw Hall in Seattle, in front of an audience of nearly 700 philanthropists, impact investors, and supporters. The audience choice for best pitch went to Community Sourced Capital, Fledge graduate from 2012. Since launch, Community Sourced Capital has helped lend over $150,000 to 12 businesses from over 1,000 people, proving that it is possible for all of...
Started in Seattle: Fledge
Seattle: City of the Future (Again)

Kauffman ID8 Nation highlights Seattle: Seattle is a center of social entrepreneurship. It’s full of companies and organizations that believe they can do well by doing good. With mentoring and financial support from older entrepreneurs Seattle’s younger entrepreneurs are discovering a new way of doing business. Learn how social entrepreneurs are making a living saving the world. In 1962...
The B Team

Richard Branson and his friends have launched “The B Team”, an initiative to make business a force of good in the world, a belief shared with the companies and organizations showcased here on BloomTimes. “Our vision of the future is a world in which the purpose of business is to be a driving force for social, environmental and economic benefit.” — The B Team The B...
Kick, the “inclusive” incubator

Kick is the inclusive business incubator, here to help all entrepreneurs through the difficult path from idea to started startup. We are here to help all the teams after the weekend entrepreneurship events, after the business plan competitions, after graduation, or any other stage of life when an entrepreneur realizes that some help could help. Kick is here for the lifestyle entrepreneurs, the...