

Zamgoat is Zambia’s first dedicated and innovative commercial-scale aggregator, processor and supplier of goat meat and other related products, thereby also empowering rural communities, largely smallholder farmers.

Founded in July 2012 as a privately-held for-profit social enterprise, Zamgoat champions an integrated aggregation/processing and trading business model that endeavors to deliver sustainable social and economic value across our stakeholders – suppliers, shareholders and customers. We employ a proven retail and wholesale revenue model targeted at both direct consumers (B2C) as well as other re-sellers(B2B) of our products.

Despite the growing demand for goat products at the national, regional and global scale, goat processing and marketing has historically been traditional and informal.

As a mission-driven company, Zamgoat does not only therefore meet the growing demand for goat meat and related products in Zambia and the regional export markets but also addresses the high poverty levels especially among smallholder farmers, by now sustainably monetizing the goats they have otherwise traditionally been raising for prestige than income.

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